Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy feast day of Saint Isidore of Seville - April 4th!

Join Autom today as we celebrate the feast day of St. Isidore of Seville!

Feast Day: April 4
Patron of the Internet and Computer Technicians

Isidore was born of a royal family in Spain in 560. He didn’t get very good grades, so he ran away from school. He stopped for a drink of water from a spring, and noticed a stone, which was hollowed out by the dripping water. He realized that if he kept working at it, little by little, just like that dripping water, he could
do great things. He returned to school, and by hard work he became a great bishop and teacher of the Faith.
Saint Isidore wrote 20 books which make up the first Christian Encyclopedia. Because of his ability to help people understand facts, Saint Isidore is the patron saint of the internet and of computer technicians and programmers. Saint Isidore died on April 4, 636.

Prayer to Saint Isidore for Computer Technicians

O Saint Isidore, your love for God led you to study the Book of Nature and to preserve the wisdom of the whole world. Inspire those who work as computer technicians to use their skills to help us grow in true wisdom and service. Amen.

Saint Isidore, pray for us.

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