Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Feast of Joan of Arc - May 30th!

Join Autom today as we celebrate the feast day of St. Joan of Arc!

Feast Day: May 30
Patron of Servicewomen

Saint Joan of Arc was born in France in 1412. One day, as she cared for the sheep on her family farm, she heard the voices of some of the saints. They told Joan to help the king of France fight his enemies.

At the young age of 17, Joan went to help the king. She won the battle for Orleans, France, with a small army. She won many more battles, and helped the king to regain the throne of France. The king’s enemies kidnapped Joan and put her in prison. Joan was condemned to death because she refused to lie and say the saints had not spoken to her. She was burned at the stake on May 30, 1431, at the age of 19. However, the Church later canonized her as Saint Joan of Arc.

Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc

Dear Saint Joan of Arc, God gave you great skill in fighting for France. Through your prayers may He bless all women who love and stand up for their families, their country, and their Faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.

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